Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I've been feeling pretty classy the last few days. It all started Monday morning with a stroll across Tower Bridge to the graphic design museum (well just the gift shop in there) which might I add is pretty classy. Then last night we went to see Les Miserables, and it was aaamazing (I know I say that about everything) but really it was soo good. There is just something about a story of redemption that is inspiring, and it just makes you want to cry (in a good way).  I just can't help but love "On My Own" and "I Dreamed a Dream"; as embarrassing as it is to admit, I may or may not have pictured Rachel Berry singing those songs for part of it. Also, Javier had the best voice ever, and he was black. Going to shows just makes you feel classy.
Laura and I at Les Mis
Devon, Me, and Lyse in front of Queens Theater.
We've created a club, if you will, here at the center. It's called the finer things club (or finer things clique if you're Geoff, he's really just bitter he's not apart of it) if you've seen the office you'll know what I'm talking about. It's when Pam, Toby, and Oscar get together to discuss literature amongst other things. Well a group of us get together a few nights a week to eat bread and cheese and just laugh. We don't necessarily discuss anything of importance (except Lyse who has been discussing world current events aka something about Eygpt for the last week) but last night was the ultimate gathering of The Finer Things Club, we ate a plethora of bread, cheese, grapes, juice, and chocolate and once again I just felt classy.
Then today, my History 201 class went to Camden to visit the Jewish Museum. And can I just say, It was a little heartbreaking, and really just emotionally draining. The classy part of the day came a little later when we went to the High Tea at Kensington Palace for my History 323 class. The orange scones with cream were absolutely delicious and we were all dressed up so proper. I loved it.
Kaylee, Blake, Me, and Elise at afternoon Tea.
The Food and Tea
Jamie and I outside of Kensington Palace (where we had Tea).


  1. bahahaha! oh goodness, i would have thought of rachel berry during on my own and i dreamed a dream also... minus i would have also thought of me last year during on my own...it was my theme song, if you remember. And you are classy...your watch is classy..

  2. OOOOKAY! Stop. That. Looks. So. FUN! Those British people sure went all out with that tea party. Little mini desserts. AND more plays!? Jealous!
