Thursday, February 24, 2011

15 Interesting Things...Really?

So my friend Brooke "tagged" me on her blog. She probably did because she knows I'm a stalker and avidly read her blog. I don't really know what this whole "tagging" thing means, but I guess I'll copy and paste the rules...
Rules of the game:
1. You must share 15 interesting facts about yourself
2. You must tag 5 other people

Warning, this could be random and lame.

1. I've eaten twice my body weight in Reese's and Kinder Buenos (well chocolate in general).
2. I'm a citizen of both the U.S. and Australia.
3. My two front teeth are fake.
4. I online window shop like nobody's business.
5. I sleep abnormally longer than most human beings. Really.
6. I am currently living my dream life.
7. My alter ego is Hagrid, but not really.
8. I'll soon be visiting 7 countries within like a 6 week time span...say what?!?
9. I love naps, they keep me happy.
10. I ate 3 whole pizzas in one sitting. I was 14, and my dad thought I had a tape worm.
11. Speaking of family, all my cousins are Fridens. My dad has 6 brothers, my mom only has one sister, and she married my dad's brother. Hence all our last names are Friden (well except I have cousins that are now married). We're our own breed; mind blowing, I know.
12. My goal in life is to visit the 7 wonders of the world. I don't know if that will happen though...
13. As 'you' can probably tell, I'm OBSESSED with traveling. It fascinates me, people fascinate me.
14. I want to be a world traveler, a food taste tester, or a competitive eater...or all 3. Have my cake and eat it too kind of philosophy.
15. I can't cook, resulting in me eating junk food.

Now the 5 people I tag are:

Karli Ferrin
Sara Turner
Jenny Friden (mostly to see if she even reads my blog, and to see if she'll ever update hers...)
Jamie Nickell
Natalie Timpson (my latest follower, welcome)


  1. dang you heather. I don't even know if you're following me. unacceptable. haha

  2. Seriously? You know I'm not going to do this, right?

  3. You ate 3 whole pizzas in one sitting??? What size were the pizzas? Are we talking the little Totinos or like Papa John's large ones? I'm horrible at commenting but I love living vicariously through you! Love ya!

    Oh, and p.s. LOVED the queen postcard!!

  4. Well we're talking like medium sized pizzas...kind of gross. Love ya too!
