Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wicked Awesome

The past couple of days have been Wicked awesome (pun intended hehe, not funny, I'm aware). Let me just give 'you' a brief recap of this week so far....

Sunday: Woke up REALLY early, we're talking 6 o'clock (okay maybe I didn't get out of bed till 6:45), but we left for church at 7:25, it takes an hour and half to get there and an hour and a half to get back. Needless to say it was a LONG day, but a good one. I'm a young women's leader in my ward...the ward is straight up African, it's pretty sweet, and the people are soo nice. I didn't get to be a primary teacher like I wanted (the other 4 study abroad students that are in my ward with me are all primary teachers haha), BUT the 2 young women are cute (yes there are only 2 young women) and I'm looking forward to be with them. Let me just give 'you' some stats; I'm in the Hyde Park stake and the Lea Valley ward...our stake has 105 different nationalities and 75% of the people are 1st generation members. They're amazing. Six hours later we got home...
Elise fell asleep on the ride home...Sharon is waiting to greet her when she wakes (shout out to my girl Sharon, it's her birthday).
Monday: Woke up early to go get some wifi at a cafe on Portobello road, but I didn't get wifi since Charlie (who owned the cafe) hadn't paid his internet bill. Naturally. So I just ended up with a Lemonade (refer to previous post). Then I went back to the centre, got some homework done, relaxed, and the went out for crepes...again...for like the 5th time this week. Let's not talk about that.
Tuesday: Went to class. Then Lyse, Maddy and I went on a walk because it was a BEAUTIFUL sunny day in London (it has actually been blue skies all day this week, except Monday). Then the whole group went to go see WICKED. It was amazing, I have seen it before, but I haven't seen it with British accents.
This is my classroom. No joke. Sweet huh?
Maddy and Lyse on our walk.
Sunny day in London.

Emerald City.
Wednesday: Went to both the British Museum AND Victoria and Albert Museum.
Just reading about ancient Assyria at the BM.
Looking at the Magic Lantern at the V&A Museum.
Beauty and the Beast anyone?
This week has been good to me. FIRST overnight road trip this weekend...we leave first thing in the morning!

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