Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Today was kind of a failure. This is how it went:

-Left the centre at 7:55am for a day trip. failure
-Arrived at Dover castle around 10; it was closed. failure
Sad that the Castle was closed.
-Went to the "white cliffs" of Dover; they weren't white. failure.
Laura and I at the "white cliffs" of Dover.
-Went to Canterbury, had two hours to kill, forgot the addresses my mom told me to look up. failure
-Went to Pound Land and got 3 kinder buenos for a dollar. success
-Went to our 4th Cathedral in 3 weeks had 2 hours there, I took 15 minutes. failure
Devon and I at the Canterbury Cathedral.
-Went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner; Blake is broke. failure

Amidst all these failures, today still managed to be so fun. I love it here! We manage to have a ton of fun even when everything goes wrong. The people I'm with are the best and we can just laugh for hours about nothing.


  1. Even if you didn't have the adresses, I'm surprised that you couldn't think of the names of the churches - St. Mildred's and Holy Cross Westgate. They were right in town and people could have directed you:(

  2. I'm sorry mom :( like I said, I failed. There are so many churches I can't remember. I wrote down the addresses in York but I forgot to this time.

  3. cute, reliable umbrella: success. making hayley jealous: success :)

  4. Never mind. At least you got to see the city of your ancestors. I'm sure they spent time at Canterbury Cathedral and strolled those very streets which you saw. When we were in Canterbury in 1995, we didn't even know some of their names let alone the church they attended or place where they lived. Maybe another time...:)As long as you are enjoying yourself, you haven't failed!
