Thursday, April 14, 2011

These People

...Are the people I live/go to school/play/shop/travel/communicate/talk with. Basically we have been together 24/7 since we've been here and they are my social circle. It's a tight knit group if I say so myself, and I wouldn't be completely honest if I didn't say their are clicks within our little social circle (we've got the baby gells (girls), the parlor crew, the blondes, meatloaf, the floaters, the runners etc etc and some clicks have evolved, or dissolved.) Since this a journal for me I decided I want to blog maybe a sentence or two about each person here at the centre, so for you other readers this could get a bit boring, but I don't care. Okay here we go: the people at the centre through the eyes of Heather (in alphabetical order).

Liz Ammons (Little Liz)- One of the nicest people I know, but when I think of her I think either thrown away slippers, nasty spray, or Peter.  Love it.
Taylor Bambas (TJB)- When I think Taylor I think Politics, one of her biggest things about coming to London was to see Parliament. I also think rainbow umbrella, Nashville (y'all), and Tswift as she likes to make that comparison with herself. Good times.
Liz Bevan (Bevs)- She has one of the best voices known to man, and room 4 wouldn't be the same without Liz breaking into song every 10 minutes. She is also one of the craziest people here and it's the best.
Shelbi Bluemel (Shelbs)- She is one of the most mature people I know. I mean she's 20 and has grown up fast! I think engaged, sexy, and caring. 
Megan Bruner (Megs)- Has the most contagious laugh ever, and I can always guarantee to have a good time when I'm with her. She's really the life of the party and is the only person I know who can pull off wearing an Indian head dress on st. patty's day.
Geoff Cannon (G-off)- Prides himself on being a jerk and it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, but really deep down he cares for people a lot (he talks about his mom nicer than I've ever heard a boy before, and thinks his little niece is the cutest thing in the world) he also shares his food with everyone, and at heart he's a softy.
Brittani Coats- Is one of the strongest people I know and is a cancer survivor. She too is getting married. He's a lucky guy.
Alyssa Cook (Lyse)- She's the only person I knew when I came to London, she was the first person to be my friend from class last semester (oh history 221), and she's the person I'll be traveling with afterwords. Let's just say we've been through a lot together and this experience wouldn't have been the same without her. She's already has a lot of blog shout outs.
Katie Cortez- Well there are only 3 of us freshmen here and it's nice to have a bit of company. When I think Katie I think honest (she tells you what she thinks), Chick-fil-A, and gingers. Man she makes me laugh.
Chris and Liz Crowe (2 of my professors)- They're the cutest and SO in love. They were married at the tender age of 19 (he joined the church after meeting her); I couldn't ask for better professors. They're the best, and he's hilarious.
Ramzi Dosch (Aloha)- To be honest I don't know if I believe half of the stories he tells us, but he's entertaining nonetheless, and is uber nice. Also, he loves hugs.
Collin Dursteler (C-babe)- Is the 3rd freshman. When I think Collin I think Fedoras, tank tops, and Salami platters. He's my bed head friend. We both show up to class looking like a mess every day without fail. Really he's one of the coolest 19 year olds out there (don't tell him, we don't want to boost his ego).
The Durstelers- He's my other professor, and his cute wife Whitney and daughter Addy are some of my favorite people. They needlessly share their candy. Instantly we became friends. Professor Dursteler is mainly my professor, he picks on me shamelessly, is sarcastic, and calls me Hagrid. Really it's quite fun being this close with your professors, and my experience wouldn't nearly be the same without them.
Annie Eichers (Ann)- She abbreviates everything and it's the best. It's so catchy, everyone at the centre has started to copy by one. Her laugh is also one of my favorites, I will no longer be able fall asleep without hearing her laughter in the background.
Madeline Fitzgerald (Maddie)- Is one of the most fashionable, funny, and kind people I know. Truth is, if I could get lost in Stirling with anyone, it would be her. I do love Maddy.
Carly Flamm (Carl)- She is very mother like and babying, but sometimes I secretly like it. When I think of her I think willing to share, and skype. There are about 4 main skypers here at the center. She is one of them.
Laura Garding-She is a go getter. She is the one person I can count on that ALWAYS wants to go out and do stuff. Even if no one wants to go do stuff, she will still go alone. She's way adventurous and fun, hence, she's fun to hang out with.
Blake Garfield- Has the funniest stories and is always the center of attention. Really he's quite unlucky, but I guess he got to be in London the last 4 months, so maybe his luck will turn around (Probably not). I will never cease to laugh out loud when I envision Blake falling in the mud when we were at Arthur's seat in Scotland hahaha.
Kinsey Grant (Kins)- SHIZ! I can't believe I haven't mentioned this girl earlier. She is constantly falling on the ground laughing. This one time we were in Wales and went in a coal mine, she was saying her regular word-- shiz, and provided way too many laughs. Our last few nights together were spent procrastinating our papers and pulling all-nighters; I can safely say I don't think either of us regret it one bit.
Elise Hansen (Little E)- This girl gets physically ill if she is late to ANYTHING (she has made everyone at the centre way too early to at least one thing). We have church together, and naturally it's at 9, which means 8:30 Elise time..oh and did I mention our church was an hour away?? Good times. But really we have had so many fun times talking about missionaries and laughing our heads off. Love her.
Sharon Jensen (Share)- She is seriously like my long lost twin. If I had to pick a person at the centre that was the most like me it would be her. It's freaky how much we are alike and we're even the same major. You better believe I will be bridesmaid at her wedding on June 18th..okay not really, but I will be there.
Ashley Jorgensen (Ash)- Okay, when I first met her I thought she was way too nice, and that she must be fake. BUT she really is just SO nice all the time. I can honestly say I think everyone at the centre looks up to her. We also share all our love for reality tv. Any time I wanted to talk to someone I loved talking to her, she's a great listener and really just fun to talk to.
Kaylee Kimzey (little brother)- BUNKMATE! This is the girl I shared a bunk bed with for the last 4 months. She listened to me squeak every night, and put up with me constantly dropping books, papers, pens, cameras, laptops etc etc on her. She also works out like nobody's buisness.."want to do abs heather?" Luckily when I said no she never judged me. She is one of the happiest people I know, and I should probably credit that to those endorphins.
Paige Knudsen (P-rogue)- Is a world traveler, and as so likes to try everything, including food. She just now graduated and this was her second study abroad (I told you she's a world traveler). I do like her and like Laura can always count on her to be up to do anything. She's a runner, and is running the Boston marathon like tomorrow or something. GO GIRL!
Emily Layton- I laugh my butt off when I'm with her. She too graduated and is getting married, but I really hope that we still remain friends. I think I can speak for everyone when I say she has the best stories. I can't get enough of her, we better go to the bike jump this summer or something.
Jaynann Mathews- Is my Orem girl. It seriously upsets me that we didn't know each other before coming to London. She is so herself and blunt that you can't help but love her. She is dedicated to BYU and all it stands for. She loves BYU sports like any good student should. Truth is, she is the one person I wish I hung out with more. Good news is we live close at home, so we better hang out so I can stop regretting not hanging out with her more.
Michelle May (Mishelle)- She put up with me at church, and all other ridiculous shenanigans I would do. She always had a different way of looking at things, which I kind of liked. I do love how Meg and Britt walked in on her having a feast in the servery at 2 in the morning. Good times.
Michael Morrell (Mike)- Was the class facilitator and as so would always go the extra mile. I really can't think of a nicer guy. I personally think he was the centre favorite. He was always holding doors open, carrying people's bags, buying the girls flowers, and doing stuff behind the scenes. He isn't just a boring nice person, he has a lot of personality and is really quite hilarious. I honestly cried the most when I left him. Good thing he lives in Orem too!
Julie Nelson (Jules)- Was kind of my skype buddy. I could always count on turning around at McDonalds and seeing her. She really is the whole package, and I secretly publicly wish I was her and Sara's 3rd roommate. I'm jealous of her traveling Europe for another 2 months.
Jamie Nickell (Jay, Jamester, Jamie-jam)- Was my BFFFFFF. I LOVE this girl. We have NOT spent one night apart since being here. We sleep right by each other at the centre, we have gone on ALL trips together (including travel week and random excursion to Portugal) and it really has been the best. When I think Jamie I will think of bad peeling sunburns, rubbing aloe on each other, harrods, chocolate, hissing, and basically anything and everything else. I will be seeing her in a few weeks after we're both done traveling Europe (sadly we're not doing it together).
Brenden O'Neal- Is the cat's pajamas...literally. He is OBSESSED with is cat, which I initially thought was the weirdest thing ever. He also was a cage fighter--another weird thing. But as I have slowly come to know our class president, I think he's quite funny. He really is just too hipster with his mac book air, and he's way too smart for me. Needless to say I have enjoyed the limited talk I have had with him.
Spring Pierson (Springy)- When I think of her I think Peter Fagg. She always comes into our room rambles a few phrases throws clothes on her bed, changes outfits maybe, and heads out the door rambling more things. She's the Canadian of the group and represents Canada well. I love her and her obsession with Haribo candies.
Brittney Radman (B-Rad)- Is really a great friend to have. We can laugh about stupid stuff I do and just have a good time. At first she's harder to get to know, but it's just because she's soo easy going and doesn't make herself known the world (which she should). I love her and hope she stays in Provo next fall. Good times we had at harrods, nandos, museums etc etc.
Amanda Taylor (Salamander)- Really she would kill me if I ever called her Salamander, but that's Amanda. She is honest and I know what to expect with her, and it's just refreshing. We've spent many a good time eating chocolate ice cream, syrup, candy, while sitting in Belgium, Ireland, and many other places. She's fun to talk to about all the latest gossip.
Natalie Timpson (Nat)- She goes with the flow. She and her (kind of) boyfriend are the hottest couple to hit the planet, and it's kind of creepy that I know her and his entire families without ever meeting them. But that's how much I love talking to her about it. She is also very trendy, and I have loved all our chats. I like to think we bonded on our ride to the London temple. Love her.
Sara Turner- We like all the same things. No joke. It creeps me out a bit. We love all the same food, same tv shows, we love tripping people, we enjoy doing the same things, and I love cuddling with her in her bed. I can always count on her and I ordering the same food at restaurants. She is the prankster at the centre and never fails to provide me with a good laugh. Remember me, remember me, remember me...
Haley Walker (older sister)- Honestly, I was upset the most leaving her. The reason why is because she is so darn ambitious that she is going to some big time music school like in Tennessee or something and I may never see her again (tear). That right there breaks my heart, but we've definitely had some tender moments like getting lost on our way back from Portobello road (yes it is the next street over), going to museums, eating dinner for two, and talking about boys. I will always want to be like her, as she is like an older sister. She literally wears a new outfit everyday and has the best boy advice ever. Watch out for when she becomes famous, because she is definitely going places.
Holly Weatherston (Holls)- She calls me flakey and gets disgusted when I throw my peeling skin on her. We have a loving relationship. We can seriously laugh about anything and she is just so darn honest; she's not afraid to tell you if you need to suck in on pictures, but she has missed a few pics that she should have told me to suck in on. I'm pretty sure I'll run into her seeing as she lives in Orem, and we already ran into each other in Rome today.
Emily Young (Em)-She is always near you. It's really just kind of awesome, she like me, always hears what is going on at the centre, and really the best way to sum her up is Luna. It's quite fun traveling with her and Lyse in Rome. Also, she loves to read.
Devon Zimmerman (D-Von)- Devon is the chillest, and it makes it so much fun to hang out with her. I love her facial expressions and really we have had way way way too many good times to recall them all. She too has been through it all with me. She is also very smart, I mean she was the only one to put sunscreen on in Portugal, and just  laughed at all our pain. I do LOVE Devon.
Natalia- Lazy cleaning lady, that eats KFC and reads magazines in the parlor. My money is getting put to good use. Also, lots of things have gone missing at the centre and we all fully blame Natalia.

I hope these people know I think the fondest of all of them. I seriously have come to know and LOVE all of them. They all have their own quirks, and I wouldn't change any of it. When I think of London I think of them. Sure, London the city has been great and I have loved it, but it's these people who have made London what it was for me. It is these people that made my experience, and it is these people who I will miss. Thanks for the countless stories, endless laughter, and hours we've spent together. Thanks for the best 4 months of my life guys!


  1. Ah thank you thank you thank you! I have been waiting for this. Miss you Heath! XOXO, Annie

  2. I love you heath! this is perfect. Come home!

  3. Aww Heath!! I loveeee youuu!!! This is such a great post! Pretty much sums everyone up! Miss you!

  4. Heather Friden (Heath, Hagrid, Flakey) -Quite literally the Centre favorite. She is a notorious gossip addict, and knows everything about everyone. She is an expert stalker, and retains details about everyone's life. She is incredibly caring and sweet and genuine. Knows where to get the best food, treats, and food/treats. Sells herself short on how smart, gorgeous and well-loved she really is. If there were a fan club, I'd be president. Or I'd be secretary and let Mike be president.
